Child  Nutrition

The role of lipids in development:

w3 fatty acids and pre-term babies
LIPIDS  and development
Eicosenoids Their Possible Role in Develoment

The role of Protein in Development

                  A protein deficiency disorder of children. It is prevalent in
                 overpopulated parts of the world where the diet consists mainly of
                 starchy vegetables, particularly in sections of Africa, Central and South
                 America, and S Asia. Such a diet, although adequate in calories, is
                 deficient in certain amino acids, the constituents of proteins vital for
                 growth. The nursing infant gets the required amino acids from the
                 mother's milk. But the weaned child, who receives neither milk nor
                 meat, is likely to develop kwashiorkor. The most striking manifestations
                 of the disease are a swollen and severely bloated abdomen, resulting
                 from decreased albumin in the blood, and various skin changes resulting
                 in a reddish discoloration of the hair and skin in black African children.
                 Other symptoms include severe diarrhea, enlarged fatty liver, atrophy
                 of muscles and glands, mental apathy, and generally retarded
                 development. Kwashiorkor is treated by adding proteins to the diet,
                 usually in the form of dried milk.

These children exhibit thin limbs and a swollen bellies, classic symptoms of kwashiorkor, severe protein
  deficiency.  This child,(left) although looking like an infant is probably 3-4 years old.
Kwashiorkor is an African word meaning "red boy" referring to the thin, light-colored, reddish hair .  Although superficially looking fat, this is a form of malnutrition.  At this stage, over all health and mental development can be impared.


Unlike KW, marasmus can be considered as an adaptation to an insufficient
energy intake. Marasmus results from a negative energy balance.  Children adapt to an energy deficit with a decrease in physical activity, lethargy, a decrease in basal energy metabolism, slowing of growth, and  weight loss.

        Problem of relying on cassava as staple diet

Fat Soluble Vitamis and  Development

Iodine and development